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Eczema Treatment

Namely dermatitis, eczema is characterized by epidermal oedema (spongiosis). Predominant types of eczema are allergic contact dermatitis and primer irritant contact-dermatitis. Other types of eczema are atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, discoid eczema and lichen simplex chronicus. Atopic dermatitis usually occurs among children, and it is a rare, recurrent, itchy condition. There is a tendency to […]

Why Does Eczema Occur?

Eczema (dermatitis) is one of the most common skin disease, but it also a kind of disease of which causes and treatment is still fuzzy in medical world. In course of eczema, skin reacts by inflammation induced by internal or environmental factors through immune system. It is a condition that causes itching, rashes, redness, dryness […]


Also it is known as dermatitis, since eczema is a skin disease. Being called also Atopic Dermatitis (AD), eczema is characterized by very dry and itchy skin, and it is a non-contagious skin inflammation. Usually, it develops due to allergies caused by food or inhalants. It is a psychosomatic and unsightly dermatitis which have acute, […]