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Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease which gives symptoms as redness at where the disease settled and emerges at intervals. Upper layer of the skin gets thicken and grown, then white-silver patches appear. Skin begins to regeneration in every few days. Thickness of the layer of dead cells on the skin is increased. Although there […]

Psoriasis Symptoms

The most common form is plaque-like psoriasis on the skin and characterized by redness, flaking and desquamation especially on the knee, elbow, dorsum and coccyx called as the sacrum. Psoriasis may exhibit different manifestations in children, adults and elders. While the only red flaking is the psoriatic symptoms in children, adult population experience all symptoms […]

Psoriasis Can Cause Severe Conditions

As one of the most severe skin diseases, psoriasis makes patients nervous because of its dermatological appearance and the concern about it may be contagious. Psoriasis can underpin for several diseases such as; cardiovascular diseases and obesity, in the event that it is neglected and not restrained. It is more common among patients with a […]

Psoriasis Treatment

The diagnosis of psoriasis is usually made by dermatological examination. If it is clinically confused with other conditions, a piece of sample from skin may be necessary for pathological examination. There is no special blood test to confirm diagnosis of psoriasis. Who gets psoriasis? Psoriasis occurs in both genders. However, disease incidence have more frequency […]

What is Psoriasis?

Sedef hastalığı dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık% 27’sini etkiler ve aynı zamanda kronik bir cilt hastalığıdır. Toplumda oldukça yaygın bir hastalıktır ve genellikle kronik seyri vardır. Birçok kronik hastalık gibi, periyodik olarak tekrarlama özelliği sergiler. Tekrarlanan vakaların görülme sıklığı kişiden kişiye değişir. Bazen sedef hastaları herhangi bir şikayet ve hastalık belirtisi olmaksızın uzun yıllar dinlendirici bir şekilde […]